2D Space Shooter
3D Platformer
Project Microraptor
This website is a project I have been working on in order to develop my skills as a full stack developer. The front end was designed using Figma. The design is publically availablehere.
Through this project I have primarily been interested in practicing UI/UX. By designing the website through the free prototyping toolFigmaand teaching myselfTailwind CSSI can create a fully customised design without relying on component libraries.
I also intend to work with some public APIs to pull GitHub, Spotify and Steam profile data, creating a showcase of some of my interests and what I’ve been up to lately.
In the past year I have begun hobby game development with the open source platform Godot.
I started learning game development within the Unity game engine. After hearing about the Godot project and the great work being done by its open source community, I became interested in utilising it for my new projects.